About Question H
What’s at stake?
Corporate interests are trying to take power away from the people by shrinking the number of seats on the Baltimore City Council from 14 to 8, making our City government less fair.
Baltimore City is strongest when we give people a voice. City residents deserve strong constituent services, responsive elected officials, and a fair system that represents all residents.
Fewer City Council districts would make each district much bigger, meaning each Councilmember would represent many more residents, making it harder for Councilmembers to serve their district.
Larger districts would also limit the electoral power and political influence of Black and lower income residents, and make running for office harder and more expensive, giving power to wealthy donors. As a result, our Council would become less diverse and less representative.
Who’s behind the charter amendment?

Multimillionaire David Smith, hiding behind a committee called “PEACE Baltimore,” is pushing for passage of Question H. David Smith is Chairman of right-wing media conglomerate Sinclair Broadcasting — including Fox45 News — and is the sole funder supporting Question H.
He doesn’t share our vision for a thriving Baltimore, he doesn’t even live in the city, but he is using his wealth and influence to take away our power and gain political control.
Read more:
In quest to shrink Baltimore City Council, it’s David Smith, not politics, on the ballot
The Baltimore Banner
September 11, 2024