Get Involved
The power of the people can stop Question H!
“Question H” proposes to reduce the number of Baltimore City Council districts from 14 to 8 seats, an undemocratic move that would make City Council less diverse and more dependent on wealthy donors and business interests. It also weakens residents’ access to representation and constituent services.
In order to stop this disastrous ballot measure, we will need the whole city to come together to vote down this ballot measure.
Use our form to pledge to “Vote No” on Question H and let us know if you can volunteer for the campaign!
Volunteer on Election Day
We will be at polling places on Election Day, Tues. 11/5 to let our fellow Baltimoreans know what’s at stake and why it’s important to vote against Question H. Volunteers are needed across Baltimore City. Can you help?
Make a plan to vote
This year’s election is critical for the future of our country and for Baltimore City. There will be ballot drop-off boxes, early voting centers and Election Day in-person voting polling places in Baltimore City.
Key dates:
- Oct. 15: Last day to register to vote
- Oct. 24 – Oct. 31: Early Voting 7am – 8pm
- Nov. 5: General Election 7am –8pm
For more election information, visit